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The Fiddle Leaf Fig Care Guide | Identifying and Solving Common Issues

The Fiddle Leaf Fig Care Guide | Identifying and Solving Common Issues

The Fiddle Leaf Fig plant is a popular houseplant choice due to its lush green foliage and fewer maintenance needs. However, sometimes the plant can become susceptible to dehydration, overwatering, pests, and disease, and it can be a challenge to figure out which of these is the cause of the particular problem. Fortunately, with a few simple Fiddle leaf fig care tips and some patience, any plant enthusiast can enjoy this unique plant for years to come. Fiddle leaf figs are like children – you must consistently monitor their growth, provide them with the care and attention they need, and make adjustments when problems arise. The purpose of this post is to discuss the most common problems that Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant owners face and provide suggestions on how to address them. Following are a few basic care tips to get you started, and then explore the potential issues in the subsequent section.

Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Care Guidelines:

With the right care and maintenance, Fiddle Leaf Fig Plants can thrive and bring life and beauty to any home. Some basic care tips include:

  • Regular watering and bright, indirect light are essential for fiddle leaf figs. They should be watered deeply and then allowed to dry out before being watered again. 
  • These plants also benefit from occasional misting and regular fertilizing. 
  • Fiddle leaf figs should be placed in a well-ventilated room and kept away from drafts and extreme temperatures. 
  • They should be rotated regularly to ensure even growth, and their leaves should be wiped down to remove dust and dirt.

However, if your Fiddle plant exhibits unusual behavior, it may indicate an underlying disease. Reading the next section will help you deal with such issues. 

Common Problems Encountered By Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant with Solutions:

Here is a list of some of the most common problems faced by fig plants and how to fix them.

S. No. Symptoms  Possible Reasons  Effective treatment


Drooping Leaves: Usually indicate that the Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant is not getting enough water.  Check the soil for dryness and water it if needed. If the soil is already very wet, it may be a sign of root rot, in which case the plant should be repotted with new soil.
2. Leaf Drop Fiddle Plant is prone to leaf drop due to sudden changes in temperature and light, overwatering, or improper watering. Make sure to retain the soil lightly moist and mist the leaves regularly to increase humidity. 

Keeping the plant out of direct sunlight and cold drafts will help it stay healthy.


Small Brown Spots

Scale, mealybug, spider mites, and whitefly and fungus gnats are the most common pests that may infest indoor plants Try spraying the affected area with a fungicide

Use a diluted fertilizer to promote healthy growth.


Red Spots

Typically indicate a fungal infection, caused by too much moisture on the leaves or in the soil. Reduce the amount of water you give your plant and make sure the soil drains well.


White or Tan Patches

Discolored, distorted leaves, a sign of sunburn due to exposure to direct sunlight Move the plant to a shadier spot to protect it from further damage (in an area that receives indirect sunlight or provides partial shade)

Mist the leaves with water to help keep them cool in hot weather.

You may find these remedies in the fiddle leaf fig care guide useful for fixing the plant problems you may encounter. If you are looking for fig plants in Australia, it is easy to buy them online. When you search for Australian plants online, you can be assured of fast and reliable delivery of your fig plants that you will receive in as little time as possible.