How Viagra revolutionized the Erectile Dysfunction market – Health Update?

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Viagra, the original erectile dysfunction drug, has been around since 1998 and continues to revolutionize the way that men deal with erectile dysfunction (ED). It’s the first ED drug that works by increasing blood flow to the penis. Viagra doesn’t just treat symptoms — it cures Erectile Dysfunction by allowing men with a penile blood supply problem to achieve an erection when they need it most.

Why does the penis need oxygen?

The penis needs oxygen to produce nitric oxide, and nitric oxide is required to produce cGMP. Finally, the body uses cGMP to relax smooth muscles in the penile tissue. The end result is increased blood flow to the penis and engorgement with blood.

Introduction of Viagra

Viagra revolutionized the erectile dysfunction market by making it more accessible to men. Prior to its introduction in 1998, there were few treatment options for ED, and these required invasive surgery or weren’t effective enough. Viagra was the first drug on the market that was both safe and effective as a treatment—and it was far simpler to use than surgical procedures.

Before Viagra (Sildenafil Citrate) came along, Erectile Dysfunction was thought of as a problem that only older men experienced; studies showed that younger men were either not experiencing problems with erections or didn’t feel comfortable talking about them with doctors. With its easy dosing instructions (take one pill an hour before sex), ease of accessibility (without any prescription) and positive effects (most notably an increase in length and girth), Viagra has made sex possible for many men who previously had no options available to them if they wanted an active sexual life.

Side effects of Viagra (Sildenafil Citrate), the blue pill

Side effects of Viagra (Sildenafil Citrate) may include:

  • Headache
  • Nasal congestion
  • Upset stomach
  • Back pain\backs up, in the back and down.\backs up, in the back and down.\backs up, in the back and down.\backs up, in the back and down.\backs up, in the back and down.\back pains can cause very bad headaches that make your brain hurt or even kill you if they get really bad! So take a break from typing this description so we can go home early tonight! We’ll do it tomorrow after work instead… Have fun tonight with your boyfriend (or girlfriend if you’re gay). Good luck getting some lol 😉
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Who is at risk of developing Erectile Dysfunction?

Men at risk of developing erectile dysfunction include:

  • Men over 50 years old. As men age, they’re more likely to develop Erectile Dysfunction due to factors such as blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes.
  • Men with diabetes. Diabetes increases the risk of Erectile Dysfunction by up to 60 percent in men between 40 and 70 years old, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The NIH also notes that a third of all men with type 2 diabetes have erectile dysfunction.
  • Men with heart disease or stroke. These conditions increase your risk for erectile dysfunction by about 30 percent, according to the NIH; it’s estimated that one-third of people who have had a heart attack go on to suffer from Erectile Dysfunction within six months after their first attack.
  • Smokers and heavy drinkers who have high blood pressure or high cholesterol are also at increased risk for developing Erectile Dysfunction; these are all factors you should consider when weighing your lifestyle choices against your health goals—if you want better sex drive and performance now and later on down the line!

From where can you buy erectile dysfunction pills for men and women online in the USA?

  • You can buy Viagra online from the official website of Secure Pharma Online.
  • You can also buy generic Viagra online from this online pharmacy in the USA. Free shipping worldwide facility. The best trusted pharmacy to buy genuine generic medicines online. 

Viagra (Sildenafil Citrate) is revolutionary because it cures Erectile Dysfunction by increasing blood flow to the penis, not just treating its symptoms.

It’s most commonly known as the little blue pill because of its shape and color.

Viagra is a type of phosphodiesterase inhibitor, which means it works by blocking an enzyme from breaking down an important chemical called cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). When cGMP levels rise, blood vessels in the penis relax and widen, allowing for increased blood flow. In other words: when you take Viagra, your erection gets bigger and lasts longer than usual!

Can Masturbation Cause Erectile Dysfunction?


Masturbation is a normal, healthy activity that many people engage in. It’s also something that most people do not discuss with their doctors. This can lead to misunderstandings about how it relates to sexual health and ED (erectile dysfunction). Masturbation is common among men of all ages and does not cause ED (erectile dysfunction) or other sexual problems.

Masturbation Will Not Cause ED

Masturbation is a normal physical function, and it does not cause erectile dysfunction. It’s true that men who masturbate frequently may have less interest in sex with their partners, but this is not because of masturbation itself. Masturbation can be a healthy way for men to learn about their bodies, explore their sexuality and experiment with different techniques so they can better understand the experience of sex with a partner.

Masturbation isn’t a substitute for partnered sex, though; if you’re experiencing ED symptoms while having intercourse (and they’re not caused by another health condition), then your partner might benefit from knowing what you do on your own time—assuming that’s something she’s comfortable learning about.

Can Masturbation Lead to Erectile Dysfunction?

While masturbation is a normal physical function, there are no links between it and erectile dysfunction. In fact, there are many benefits to masturbating—it can help you learn about your body and its responses, it can help you relax after a stressful day at work or school, and it can bring comfort if you’re feeling lonely. There are also other ways that excessive masturbation could lead to erectile dysfunction: If you feel guilty about doing it too much or if you’re using your hands instead of a partner to orgasm over an extended period of time (like when watching porn), those feelings may increase stress levels in the body leading to ED issues down the road. Remember: Masturbation won’t cause erectile dysfunction but rather take away from pleasure for both partners during intercourse as well as prevent men from learning how their partners like to be touched. While no one will judge how often they get off solo — whether that’s once per week or every night — try not to use your hands alone too much in order for them not become numb when attempting penetration with another person later on down the line!

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What Causes Erectile Dysfunction?

There are many potential causes of erectile dysfunction. They include:

  • Age-related issues, like increased age and poor health.
  • Smoking and other unhealthy habits, including drinking too much alcohol or not getting enough exercise.
  • Diabetes and high blood pressure, which can damage blood vessels that supply blood to the penis.
  • Obesity—being overweight or obese can contribute to ED by interfering with blood flow to the penis. This is because fat tissue puts pressure on blood vessels as it accumulates in places like your abdomen and thighs, which results in less space for blood to travel through these areas before reaching your heart and brain. This problem is even greater in older men who tend to gain more weight as they age due to slowing metabolism rates combined with decreased physical activity levels after retirement (if this applies). In addition, fat cells produce hormones such as estrogen that may influence sexual function negatively; thus losing weight will help improve overall health while also reducing risk factors associated with ED symptoms.”

What Is the Link Between Excessive Masturbation and Erectile Dysfunction?

Masturbation is a normal physical function that doesn’t cause erectile dysfunction. It’s normal to masturbate, and it can help you feel less anxious about sex and open up your mind to new sexual experiences.

Masturbation isn’t linked with erectile dysfunction. If you have ED, there are things you can do to treat it by taking medication or seeing a doctor or therapist. But masturbation won’t cause ED on its own.

What causes erectile dysfunction? Erectile dysfunction (ED) happens when you can’t get an erection firm enough for sex. There are many reasons why this happens, including smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol too much in excess cases; but sometimes there is no obvious cause of the problem at all – in which case we call it idiopathic (we don’t know what caused it).

Does Using Porn Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

Does using pornography cause erectile dysfunction? This question has been widely debated for years, but there’s no clear answer yet.

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Research on the link between porn and ED is difficult to conduct because it can involve self-reporting by men who may be uncomfortable talking about their sexual habits or may not be aware of how they’re affected by them. Additionally, some studies rely on subjects who say they’ve had erectile problems in the past but don’t necessarily have them now; this means that a person might have been affected by watching too much porn when they were younger, but isn’t experiencing any problems anymore.

One study that looked at men with ED found that those who said they used pornography at least once per week were more likely than non-users to report having difficulty getting an erection or maintaining one during sex (25% vs 12%). However, another study from earlier this year found no correlation between frequency of use and severity of ED symptoms (more than 100 participants).

What Are the Treatment Options for Erectile Dysfunction?

There are many treatment options for ED. It’s important to choose one that is right for you and your partner, taking into account both of your preferences and needs.

Here are some of the most common methods:

  • Medications: If you’re experiencing ED due to physical or emotional problems, or if the condition is severe enough that it’s affecting your quality of life, medication may be prescribed as a first line of defense. The most common types include Viagra®, Cialis®, Levitra®, etc., but there are others as well. These drugs work by increasing blood flow to the penis in order to sustain an erection during intercourse without any sexual stimulation needed beforehand (though some men find that using them in conjunction with other techniques may help). You should always talk with your doctor before starting a medication regimen; they can offer advice based on which type(s) would be best suited for treating whatever underlying cause(s) might be contributing factors for erectile dysfunction (ED), such as heart disease or diabetes . They will also let you know whether any side effects could potentially interfere with their effectiveness…

If you think excessive masturbation has caused your erectile dysfunction, ask yourself a few questions.

If you think excessive masturbation has caused your erectile dysfunction, ask yourself a few questions.

  • Is it hard for me to get or keep an erection?
  • Am I having trouble ejaculating?
  • Has my erectile dysfunction lasted more than three months?
  • Have I been using pornography more than once a day for the past month (or at least two weeks)?

In summary, it is unlikely that masturbation will cause erectile dysfunction. If you think that your excessive masturbation habits are the cause of your ED, ask yourself some questions:

Is there any other health problem that could be causing my ED?

Am I consuming too much alcohol or drugs?

Am I depressed or anxious?

Masturbation is a normal physical function and something that many men do on a regular basis. It is unlikely to lead directly to erectile dysfunction unless there are other factors affecting your health as well. However, if you notice any significant changes in how often or how long it takes for you to get an erection—or if these changes occur suddenly without any particular reason—then speak with your doctor about treatment options.


Viagra, the blue pill revolutionized the erectile dysfunction market by curing Erectile Dysfunction by increasing blood flow to the penis, not just treating its symptoms. This is why Viagra is so revolutionary: it addresses the root cause of erectile dysfunction while other Erectile Dysfunction treatments only treat the symptoms. With a variety of different dosage strengths and forms available, Viagra can be taken any time of day and still be effective in treating your problem without risking side effects such as headaches or dizziness. People who needs more happiness they can refill it by taking this blue pill will get results for sure. With Secure Pharma Online, you no need any doctor’s prescriptions to buy medicines online in the USA, UK, Australia etc. 


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