Complete List Of December Global Holidays – Meaning, Date And Significance

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December is the last month of the year and it is just filled with amazing festivities and holidays that are celebrated by almost every single person on this planet.

The thing is that there are too many to cover in this month, and if you are one of the many people that are trying to know which December global holidays are celebrated in that month and how to celebrate them, then you came to the right place.

In this blog, we have listed down the best December global holidays that you should be celebrating along with their meaning, when they are celebrated and their significance across the globe! 

Top 20 December Global Holidays – Most Celebrated Ones

Here are the top 20 December global holidays that are celebrated across the globe: 

  1. World AIDS Day
  2. King Bhumibol’s Birthday
  3. St. Nicholas Day
  4. Bodhi Day
  5. Immaculate Conception
  6. Human Rights Day
  7. Saint Lucia’s Day
  8. Las Posadas
  9. Hanukkah
  10. International Human Solidarity Day
  11. Winter Solstice
  12. Yule
  13. Festivus
  14. Christmas Eve
  15. Christmas
  16. Boxing Day
  17. St. Stephen’s Day
  18. Kwanzaa
  19. New Year’s Eve
  20. Omisoka


Please do keep in mind that those are just some of the many holidays that you can enjoy every December! 

December Global Holidays And Their Meanings 

  • World AIDS Day

World AIDS day is celebrated every year on December 1. It was first celebrated in 1988 and is currently considered as an International Day that is dedicated for raising awareness of the ongoing AIDS pandemic, which is caused by the spread of the HIV infection and in order to mourn and grieve for those that succumbed from the disease. 

How is World AIDS Day celebrated?

World AIDS Day is celebrated across the globe through functions, programs and campaigns that are focused on telling people how to prevent contracting this disease.

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Please do keep in mind that there is no cure for HIV and AIDS disease. 

  • St. Nicholas Day

Saint Nicholas Day, which is also known as the Feast of Saint Nicholas, is celebrated every year on December 5 or December 9 in Western countries that have a majority of a Christian population and in Easter countries with Christian population, they celebrate it on December 19 of each year. 

The St. Nicholas Day is celebrated each year for kids.

How is the St. Nicholas Day celebrated? 

Most of the time, children leave letters for St. Nicholas and Carrots or Grass for the donkey and horse that comes with him. Once they wake up in the morning, they find a small present under their pillow or in the shoes, plates and even the stockings that are set out of him. 

Usually, Oranges, Chocolates, and Candy coins are what St. Nicholas gave to the children, which is why these are the same treats that are handed out today! 

  • Bodhi Day

The Bodhi Day is the most celebrated day in Buddhism. 

This day commemorates the day that Gautama Buddha attained enlightenment, which is also known as Bodhi, hence the name Bodhi Day. 

A little about the day is that Gautama Buddha it is believed that Siddhatha forsaken years of extreme ascetic practices and did his meditation while sitting under a peepal tree, which is now known as the Bodhi Tree. He sat there, meditated and did it until he found the root of suffering and till they found out a way on how to liberate oneself from it. 

The Bodhi Day is celebrated across the globe by the followers of the religion in a calm and very quiet way.

Buddhists usually spend time by meditating and praying and thinking about the Noble Eightfold Path and the Four Noble Truths.

Not only that, but some Buddhists decorate a bodhi tree with lights and statues of the Buddha to thank them for showing the right way.

  • Immaculate Conception
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Every year on December 8, the followers of the Immaculate Conception celebrate the sinless lifespan and the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. Remember, this is 9 months before the feast of the Nativity of Mary, which is celebrated on September 8 of each year. 

How is the Immaculate Conception day celebrated?

The Immaculate Conception is often celebrated with the Catholic Mass, massive parades, fireworks, processions, cultural festivities and by sharing food to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary. 

  • Human Rights Day

Everyone has the right to life is the slogan that will be used to celebrate the 2022 Human Rights Day. 

Each year on December 1, the Human Rights Day is celebrated across the globe. This date was chosen in order to honor the United Nations General Assembly’s adoption and proclamation on December 10 of 1948. 

How is the World Human Rights Day celebrated? 

The World Human Rights Day is celebrated across the globe by spreading awareness about how people should be respecting other people and helping them live. Not only that, but it also reminds everyone that no person should be bound between your beliefs and should not be mistreated because of their skin color. 

  • Hanukkah

The Hanukkah, which is also known as the festival of lights, is a Jewish festival that commemorates the recovery of Jerusalem and the subsequent rededication of the Second Temple at the beginning of the Maccabean revolt, which happened against the Seleucid Empire in the second century BCE. 

In 2022, the Hanukkah will be celebrated from 18 Dec, 2022 – Mon, 26 Dec, 2022.

How is the Hanukkah celebrated? 

The Hanukkah, which is also known as the Festival of Lights, is celebrated with the lighting of the Menorah, through preparing traditional foods, playing games and handing out gifts!

  • International Human Solidarity Day

On December 20 of each year, the International Human Solidarity day is observed. 

It is an international annual unity day that is celebrated by the United Nations and all the countries that are with them. 

Why is this day celebrated? 

The International Human Solidarity Day is celebrated in order to encourage debate on the ways that you can promote solidarity for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, which includes poverty eradication, and in order to encourage people across the globe to come up with new initiatives to eradicate poverty across the globe. 

  • Christmas
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On December 25 of each year, the world celebrates Christmas, which is the anniversary of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, a spiritual leader whose teachings form the basis of the Christian religion.

How is Christmas celebrated? 

Across the globe, followers of the Christian religion often celebrate Christmas by going to Church first, preparing dinner and food together, and handing out gifts to their relatives, loved ones and other people that some may consider less fortunate. 

Please do note that non followers of the Christian religion are also allowed to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. So if you are a non follower of the religion, you can celebrate this day too! 

  • Boxing Day

Boxing Day is celebrated a day after Christmas, which means it is celebrated on December 26 of each year.

Remember, Boxing Day is a holiday that originated to give gifts to the poor, but right now, Boxing Day is mostly known for a shopping holiday, where you can buy almost every single thing at a small price. 

How is Boxing Day celebrated? 

If you are planning to celebrate Boxing day on December 26 of this year, all you have to do is get up, go to a local mall, buy some clothes or anything that you like and keep it to yourself or give it out to those that need it the most. 

  • New Year’s Eve

The most celebrated day of the year is New Year’s Eve, considering that almost everyone celebrates it. On this day, everyone on December 31 awaits for the clock to hit the 12 am mark so they can celebrate a new beginning.

How do you celebrate New Year’s Eve? 

If you are planning to celebrate New Year’s evening this year, all you have to do is get some drinks out, prepare food and wait for the clock to hit the 12am mark with your family and friends. You can also go out on this night to celebrate it at a club. Basically, anything that you can do in order to celebrate a new beginning can be done on this day. 

Are you planning to celebrate any Holidays in December? Let us know which ones you are planning to celebrate by leaving a comment in the comments section below!

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